We are delighted to be able to offer out-of-the-ordinary immersive experiences that will provide creative and deeply experiential journeys for your people.

    In the following you will find a selection of the immersive programmes we offer. All offerings are bespoke and we will co-create with you a programme that builds capacity, immerses your people into deep learning and sharing and transfers learning back into the workplace. Most programmes can be delivered in-person and/or virtually.

    Contact us for more details

    Leadership with Horses

    Horses provide instant unbiased feedback on how leaders interact with their teams, communicate, manage complexity and achieve results. Join our profound learning experience in a beautiful outdoor setting.

    Leadership through Outdoor Challenges

    The outdoors allow for a deeper experience of leadership and prepare you for disruption – a key component for leading change. Immerse yourself into a whole-person challenge!

    Reinventing Organisations Workshop

    ‘Life-affirming, thought-provoking and challenging. If you work in or with an organisation: do it.’ More Dates Coming Soon Meals: the day includes two snack-breaks - mid-morning and mid-afternoon – and lunch. Clothing: come in comfortable casual clothing as we will be moving around the room. Language: this workshop will be conducted in English. Background and [...]