Life-affirming, thought-provoking and

    challenging. If you work in or with an organisation: do it.’

    More Dates Coming Soon

    Meals: the day includes two snack-breaks – mid-morning and mid-afternoon – and lunch.

    Clothing: come in comfortable casual clothing as we will be moving around the room.

    Language: this workshop will be conducted in English.

    Background and Context

    Organisation are changing to meet a VUCA world – Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. Structures are shifting away from hierarchies and towards self-organising models; teams are working in global matrixes and away from centralised units. A VUCA world is asking leaders and their organisations to be conscious, agile and flexible, relying less on 10-year strategies and more on sensing into markets and pivoting on what needs to emerge.

    Moreover, we, as humans, are changing. As Frederick Laloux mentions in his book, Re-inventing Organisations, “organisations change as human consciousness evolves”. Something that we, at The Kairos Project, wholly agree with. As a network of international coaches, we are seeing this phenomena first-hand. People are showing up to work with a yearning for something different – yearning for work with purpose and meaning; to be trusted and mattering; yearning for autonomy and responsibility and to show up fully and to be everything that it means to be human.

    So, the question that we are hearing from many organisations is “what are these new ways of working that can meet these uncertain times and shifting ways of being”. To answer this, we invite you on a journey to explore different levels of consciousness and how these allow you to see the world of work in very different ways; welcome to our workshop – endorsed by Frederick Laloux – Re-inventing Organisations in 2023.

    Music, Movement and Storytelling


    Stepping out of your worldview; seeing things differently; imagining new futures is not easy work. It requires stepping back, pausing, being open and having the space of mind to reflect and dream a little. Our workshop, over a day, aims to take you out of your “day-to-day” and give you an inspiring experience to assess and reflect on what is evolving in your organisation and how new structures, processes, and practices can open up whole new, unimaginable worlds of working.


    RiO is a dynamic and immersive workshop that allows you to experience and embody the evolutionary stages in organizations.

    The experience will give you a whole new lens and perspective on what your work can look like. It is an opportunity to step back, pause and reflect on the gap between how things work in your organisation and where you would love them to be.

    Integrating the principles outlined in Laloux’s book with movement activities, live music, and co-learning, the workshop provides you with an extraordinary summit view on how our different levels of consciousness define our workplace; and will have you connect with what is wanting to emerge and what you need to let go of. You can expect the outcomes to work at two levels:

    Our workshop provides a powerful space for:

    • Building your agility for working in a VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Unambiguous
    • Strengthening a growth mindset for moving through complex and demanding work challenges
    • Expanding your breadth of behaviours, responses and ways of being in the workplace
    • Experiencing a whole new world of possibilities in how you organise yourself at work.


    Leadership & Team Development

    1. Get a vivid understanding of where you and your team/partners sit in the evolutionary stages/working dynamics of organisations
    2. Get out of the academics of the work and into an experiential workshop that has you feel deeply, not think, about new ways of working
    3. Step back and reflect on how our changing ways of seeing ourselves and our teams is showing up in radically different ways of working



    We’ve run our workshop many times over the last four years in London, Brussels, Barcelona, Santiago (Chile) and online (during COVID). Our audience is diverse – from multi-nationals (Google, Ikea, Discovery) to Foundations (Fund for Global Human Rights, Aga Khan Foundation, Both Ends, Blagrave Trust) and Not-for-Profits (including Street Games, Teach for All, WeMove Europe).

    The common denominator is leaders who know, in their hearts, that “things” need to change in their organisation; that new “ways of working” need to reflect the changing times and evolving ways of being; that there is a whole new exciting world out there of what workplaces can look like and standing still is not an option. This journey is for leaders who want to explore new futures but do not know where to start, who believe in powerful experiences as a catalyst for powerful transformation; and who are willing to step back, pause, be vulnerable as a way of stepping into something new.



    It was thought-provoking and a visceral experience! It was really impressive to see the collective energy of the people in the room ’

    Jamie Cooke

    Chief Of Staff EMEA, Discovery

    “Once in a while, you owe it to yourself to stop, breathe, reflect on what you’re doing recharge yourself and your organisation spiritually.

    This course offers precisely that. And a lot of fun! If you like the book, you will love the training because it helps you properly digest it and figure outs what’s next”

    Laura S, We Move Europe.


    Reinventing Organizations is a book whose premise is that humanity is at a new organizational threshold and a new form of organization is emerging. There have been, according to this view, at least five different organizational paradigms in human history. Could the current organizational disenchantment be a sign that civilization is overcoming the current model and preparing for the next?

    Frederic Laloux, the author, is a Belgian consultant and coach who worked for 10 years at McKinsey & Company. Fred spent 3 years searching for organizations in the world that were working from a new paradigm according to evolutionary theory (Dynamic Spiral). The book brings to light 12 companies of different industries, cultures and sizes (over 100 and up to 40,000 employees), which are currently achieving amazing results based on self-management, fulfillment (or completeness), and a deeper sense of evolutionary purpose.

    For those of you who haven’t read the book yet, we recommend that you view this article or the video of the talk for the launch in Chile of the Spanish version, and a graphic summary of the model.