Explore self-organisation, wholeness and evolutionary purpose and co-design a road map with suitable practices for your organisation. Support people through the transformation.

    Our VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world demands we move from “command and control” to more agile, inclusive, transparent and humane ways of working together. These new practices for aligning, decision-making, collaborating and power-sharing are becoming known as “teal”, integral, or “reinventing”. A useful way to plot the journey is to consider Laloux’s 3 pillars of “Reinventing Organisations”: Self-organisation, Wholeness and Evolutionary Purpose.


    • Explore self-organisation, wholeness and evolutionary purpose in action and diagnose where your organisation sits in relation to each.
    • Identify areas of interest and potential scope to move towards more autonomous, wholehearted and transparent work practices.
    • Co-design a road map with specific practices fit for your organisation, e.g. consent decision-making, parameters for autonomous working, self-organising tasks, sharing accountability, roles vs. job descriptions, continuous learning, reflective practices etc.
    • Keep purpose at the forefront of all organisational activity and agree on values and behaviours that underpin what you are trying to achieve.
    • Support people in the cultural transformation that these practices require, e.g. becoming emotionally agile and sustaining new habits.


    We recommend this module in conjunction with our highly experiential and deeply immersive Reinventing Organisations Workshop” event which includes live-music and powerful body-mind techniques. We will work with you to create a programme that truly reflects where you are, where you aim to go and how you can move towards it.

    Contact us for more details