Facilitated by Danielle Hirsch.

    Date: Friday 25 March, 2022

    Time: 13.00 GMT

    While still being a student of Environment and Development Economics, Danielle moved to the slums of Mexico at the age of 20. There she experienced first-hand how our economic reality is very different from the theory from college.

    In the 90s, Danielle worked as an international consultant for local governments in countries such as Chile, the Central Asian repulics and Bangladesh, as well as for UN and World Bank. She currently leads the Dutch environmental organisation Both ENDS, where whe works on environental justice challenges as a part of wider social movements and civil society networks all over the world.

    Danielle sees how the influence of the Netherlands extends far beyond our borders. With its trade in products from the burning Amazon, our fossil mainport model and our tax treaties, the Netherlands contributes to global poverty and climate problems. And it must thus become part of the solution. Dutch trade relationships, financial capital and our innovative agricultural knowledge offer quick wins and long-term solutions. Therefore, she stand for a different Dutch foreign policy agenda. One that builds sustainable futures for people everywhere.

    Danielle lives in Amsterdam with her 16-year old son, her partner and 2 cats.

    We are delighted to announce that we will be continuing our conversation on Power and what this word means for us and our organisations. It was clear from our previous talk earlier in the month that this subject is very much alive in all of us and shapes how we navigate our workplaces. We are pleased to say that Danielle Hirsch, CEO from Both Ends, will again be facilitating our session.

    Please do join us on Friday March 25th to deepen your understanding of  Power in and between organisations. If you missed the first session on Power and would like to receive a recording, please email [email protected]


    Context and Background

    We hear people speak about “power over” and “power with”; about power centres and shared power; “speaking truth to power”.
    We know that power influences, corrupts, causes dysfunction as well as gets the job done. We understand the notion of “taking power” and at the same time slipping into victimhood. As organisations, we are clear that we need to empower our employees. So let’s talk.
    In our 1-hour workshop, Danielle Hirsch, CEO of Both Ends, will lead an interactive exploration of power and how this shows up in ourselves and our organisation. And often overlooked is the simple question “what is power and what does this mean to you?”
    The idea of this session is to make visible all the varying facets of power – hidden, subtle, unconscious and how these play out in our daily interaction. We will work together on when does power serve and not serve; when is power a force for good or when is power wielded by ego and insecurity.
    Register now and bring your unique perspective. The power of this workshop lies in diversity, different lived experience and current context. So we would love to have you with us. We will be limiting the numbers for this collaboration so carpe diem – and register as soon as possible below.


    You will find enormous value in this talk if:

    • you are moving out of a hierarchical structure to self managed teams/hubs
    • you want to decentralise power into regional locations
    • you are developing a culture of efficient decision making, initiative-taking and shared leadership
    • you want to encourage more responsibility and autonomy throughout your organisation.
    • you are looking to let go of your own power and empower others