
    Welcome to our 2024 Leadership Development program.

    The GAGGA consortium is committed to supporting you with capacity building and leadership development. Leading an NGO in Africa is challenging  – often operating with limited funds, stretched resources and under constant pressure and threat. And as women leaders there is a particular set of distinct challenges, along with strengths and opportunities.

    For you to succeed in your leadership role, you need to adapt, grow and, importantly, take care of your wellbeing. And to do this, GAGGA is delighted to invest in your learning and development through our fourth Leadership Program delivered by The Kairos Project.

    Thank you for taking the time to be here today. Take a moment to review the program and if you want to participate, simply complete the application form through the links below. We hope that you will join us on this learning journey.

    Deadline for Applications Monday 22nd April, 2024

    The Program

    Our program is designed by you. Your feedback at the end of 2023 made it very clear that you wanted to increase your understanding and skills in all aspect of organisational development – including strategic thinking, managing conflict, effective meetings, continuous feedback, influencing and persuasion. In addition, you wanted the opportunity to learn together, to find solidarity in tackling common challenges and to share collective wisdom.

    Our program is drawn directly from your feedback:
    1. Organisation Development Modules x 5 (90 mins)
    2. Peer Learning Groups x 2 (90 mins)
    3. Buddy Pairs x 6 (40 mins x every three weeks)


    The idea of this program is to provide you with three unique co-learning spaces – OD modules, Peer Learning Groups and Buddy Pairs. All three spaces allow you to work through your current work challenges drawing on the power of collaboration and collective wisdom.

    This approach is a complete departure from the traditional “inform” style workshops. With us, you are an active agent in the direction and focus of these spaces. In the application survey, you have helped us decide on the OD modules by indicating the subjects that have most value and meaning for you. And in the Peer Learning Groups, it is you who decides the topics of discussion, one person in the group presents a challenge for you all to explore and come away with concrete, practical actions. The Buddy Pairs are a powerful, intimate space for one-to-one collaboration and problem solving. We give you the process guidelines, you bring whatever matters to you.

    Each of these highly interactive spaces serve to increase your awareness and generate new perspectives and this leads to new choices as well as breakthroughs in how you see yourself in your work. Underlying the co-learning model is an incredible sense of belonging, solidarity and camaraderie.

    Program Timeline

    1. Meet the team – Weds May 8th, 1400 UK time
    2. OD Module 1 – Weds May 15th, 1400 UK time
    3. OD Module 2 – Weds June 5th, 1400 UK time
    4. Peer Learning Lab 1 – Weds June 19th, 1400 UK time
    5. OD Module 3 – Fri June 28th, 1400 UK time
    6. OD Module 4 – Weds July 17th, 1400 UK time
    7. Peer Learning Lab 2 – Weds 11th Sept, 1400 UK time
    8. OD Module 5 – Weds 25th Sept, 1400 UK time


    Please look closely at these dates and make sure that you are available before applying. It is essential that you can make the Peer Learning Groups and strongly requested that you are able to attend all the OD modules. You are expected to schedule at least six Buddy Pair conversations.

    The times and dates are fixed. All Organisational Development modules and Peer Learning Groups will be held on Zoom

    Program Certification

    At the end of the program, you will receive a certification of program completion if, and only if, you have attended both Peer Learning Groups and at least 4 OD modules.



    Deadline for Applications Monday 22nd April, 2024

    Organisational Development Modules

    Our modules are highly interactive, participatory and immediately applicable to your professional context. The space allows you to go deeper into a specific aspect of effective organisational development – for instance how you manage complex, multi-cultural workforce; how to generate inspiring meetings; how do you embed a culture of continuous feedback; how to create a winning strategy. All of these and much more are essential to growing your people and processes.

    Furthermore, you will receive material resources to support your learning and ongoing practices.

    • Each module is 90 mins at 1400 UK time
    • Facilitated and designed by Kairos expert in each subject
    • Kairos Facilitator will provide practical tools, guiding questions
    • and applied learning techniques
    • Additional materials will be supplied as a Practice and Reflection Guide

    Peer Learning Groups (themed and/or emergent)

    These virtual sessions are designed to provide a space for peers to connect, exchange challenges and experiences within a structured framework. The Peer Learning Groups can be themed, e.g. around pre-determined challenges that emerge from the needs assessment; or they can be “emergent”, whereby attending peers choose a challenge to work on in each session. Great for building trust in the community and accelerating learning and collaboration. 

    • Each session is of 90 mins duration
    • Peer sessions take place in smaller group of up to 7 participants
    • The Kairos facilitator will provide structure and guiding questions and encourage peer exchange, reflection and applied learning
    • Once established, facilitation can be handed over to the network to strengthen capacity and agency. Kairos can provide mentoring support to build and improve facilitation skills

    Buddy Pairs

    This space allows participants to further explore their program insights and reflections in pairs; it is a highly effective way to build strong relationships across geographies, cultures and departments.

    • At the end of the first OD Module, we pair up participants in the program
    • The buddies are invited to schedule 40 mins conversation every three weeks – to be self-organized by the pair
    • All participants will be sent guidelines for how to run these sessions
    • There will be 8 buddy sessions throughout the program

    Deadline for Applications Monday 22nd April, 2024